Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Hello 2012! Where have I been?

I guess I haven't been to update-y on this thing have I? Here we are. 1/6th through 2012. We made some big changes over the summer and at the end of 2011.

In August. Shortly after coming back from our trip to California to visit my mom. We moved out to the country. Not too far. About 20 miles outside of town. I (mostly) love country life.

We left our church. It was not an easy choice. The pastor/elders appointed someone into the leadership of the church who adheres to unBiblical beliefs. Beliefs that actually are directly apposed to the church's statement of faith. And this person was actively involved in prosylitizing members of the congregation to his beliefs (despite being warned by the pastor not to). We went to an elder. Then the board of elders. Finally we met with the pastor and the head elder. There was no budging. We chose to leave. In all, 4 families left.

We were hard pressed to find a Bible believing, Bible teaching church. In the end, we found a home church. It is actually a Messianic Jewish congregation. We have been learning a great deal.

Will finish this later...I must run to take Olivia to school.....