Sunday, December 30, 2012

Good bye 2012

How is it that another whole year has gone by? Time seems to be ticking faster and faster every year. We enjoyed a wonderful Hanukkah. My mom visited for nearly a month, and then took our oldest 2 daughters back with her to California for a few weeks. The girls come home in 4 days. I have missed them so very much! We haven't had more than a dusting of snow so far. And we still don't know where we are being transferred to in June. The powers that be have announced that they are making 2 chiefs on January 1st. That  puts Hubby at #2 on the list. Could be February or March when we see his promotion. We have  been fighting a horrible cold/flu  for 3 weeks or so. I hope to update more again soon when we are all well and have more info. Until next time....

Be Blessed!