Thursday, September 15, 2011

A blessing from the Lord!

Hello out there, what a blessing we have had! I have known for 6 months that our washing machine (a now 8 year old Fisher-Paykel eco-smart) was leaking. We moved last month to a lovely home on acreage in the country, and when we did - it started REALLY, it took a beach towel to catch all the water over the period of a 24 hour period. (With 5 kids I do 3+ loads of laundry a day.) So we have been looking and looking and looking at washing machines. I really liked the GE 4.1 cu. ft. front loader. Reviews seemed good, and I discovered that a dear friend of mine who has 9 children has one and loves it. But, it retails for $999. Logistically, I could not justify spending that much on a washer. So - I put it out of my mind. We have to be content with where the Lord has us.

As I said, Hubby and I have been researching machines and looking around the local shops and on the internet and found one we thought would be a good fit - for just under $700. We had been waiting for payday (yesterday) to purchase it.

Of course, I chat with my mom often - she is such a blessing in my life. Ok, daily. I admit it. So my mom knows the washing machine saga - and how I had hoped to limp our old leaky washer along until we got our tax return in February or so. But I just couldn't wait any longer. We had discussed the $700 washer Hubby was getting, etc. Yesterday, I am on-line checking our bank accounts to make sure Hubby's pay had been deposited and that it was for the correct amount. You see, working for the military - mistakes in pay are not uncommon and it is always a fear of mine that payday will come and we will only get 1/2 a pay check or something. You would not believe how often things like that happen. Someone pushes the wrong button somewhere and "whoops we accidentally took your husband off of the payroll". But that is another story for another time. So, I was on-line and discover there was an extra $500 in our account - deposited from my mom. I called mom to ask her about it. She said, "The Lord has been nagging me about it. I don't know why He didn't put it on my heart to give you the entire amount of the washer, but He didn't. He kept telling me to give you guys $500 for a washer." Of course, I thanked her profusely, and told her how grateful I am.

Ok, stay with me. So now it is yesterday afternoon. We have to go into town to take Liv (16) to her church youth group weekly Bible study. Since we are in town - we go over to Home Depot. I needed a bolt that I had lost to Esther's bed in the move last month. The poor gal has been sleeping with her mattress on the floor and when I went to assemble her bed yesterday, discovered we had lost a bolt in transit somewhere. While in Home Depot I feel this prompting to go and look at the washers. In my head, I thought "Why? We have already decided on the washer we are getting at another place." Well, the urging kept telling me to go and have a look "just because". So, I tell Hubby that I want to go check out Home Depot's washing machines -"just for grins". Thankfully Hubby didn't balk at me, or get cross at me since we had already decided on the washer for us. He is good that way. I love him.

So we saunter on over to the appliance section. The first washer we encounter is that GE 4.1 cu ft. front loader. Imagine my shock to see they were on sale for $578 (remember they retail for $999 normally). So I point this out to Hubby - and a really nice lady, Nancy says that if we buy the pair (washer and dryer) we get en extra $100 off the set. I tell her we are just buying a washer and she says, "Well then you still get $50 off". Hmmm. That brings the price down to $528. Nancy then mentions that if we are customers of PUD (Peninsula Utility District) for our electricity we get an extra $50 rebate for buying a high efficiency appliance. Well - since the move we ARE PUD customers. So, let me get this straight, I ask to make sure. This $999 washer is now going to cost us only $478? Her answer yes. I look at Hubby. He looks at me. He tells me to double check to reviews, and they are 95% good. Hubby then says, "we'll take it".

To bring this story around full circle. A few days ago Lord lays it on my mom's heart to give us $500 for the new washing machine. She doesn't understand why He would say $500 and not the entire amount for the $700 machine we were planning on purchasing - but she obeys. I listen to Him tell me to check out the washers at Home Depot while we were there for something else and get a $1000 washer for $478. God had mom only give us $500 because HE was going to provide a washer for less than $500. Isn't that just amazing? God is sooo good! If we will just trust and obey - and NOT lean on our own understand He will bless our socks off! Oh, and just a side note - yesterday was the last day of the sale. :) :) :)

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