Thursday, September 13, 2012

Where did summer go - and is that frost already?

I am at a loss for a whitty title. Again.

We have begun the 2012-2013 school year. I don't know why - but suddenly adding a 3rd, full time schooling child has really changed the dynamics of our little home school in the boonies. Often, I am not done schooling everyone until dinner - and the house has never been less organized. And yet - I am thankful that YHVH has blessed me to be able to have a home to be messy, and my husband with a job that allows me to stay home and school the children.

Hubby took the 2012 Service Wide Exam in May to make chief. He tested well, and with his dinosaur points is sitting at #5 on the list (of about 80). I am so excited! We are expecting the cuts to be out any time in the next week or so. Praying this will mean we can move next summer.

Summer went by way too fast. Didn't do anything major. Camped out in the yard, swam in the pool. The kids all grew. And we are already waking up to a frost nearly every morning.

Sadly, I have 3 family members struggling with cancer. My father was diagnosed with colon cancer last year. They got it all with surgery, and he is going for follow up routinely - but they found a few more polps recently. My dad's next youngest brother was diagnosed with small cell lung cancer a few months ago and has been given 12 to 18 months to live. There is no real treatment for small cell cancer. My mom's brother had prostate cancer - stage 3. They treated it with radiation - and he was doing better, but recent tests indicate the cancer is growing again. I hate cancer.

There is so much more to say, but lunch break is over and it is back to the grindstone....

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