Saturday, May 28, 2011

Funny Chat with Pip and Izzy

I had a funny chat with Pip (4) and Izzy (3) this week. I was getting Izzy out of the bath. As I draped a towel over his head and wrapped him up he squealed, "I'm Noah!". By the way, can I mention how thrilled I am that my kids think of Biblical Noah and not spiderman, or superman? It does my heart good. At any rate...the cutest conversation insued. ...

Me: Izzy, what did Noah do?

Izzzy: Noah built the ark!

Me: Who told Noah to build the ark?

Pip: God!

Izzy: Jesus!

Me: Why did Noah God have Noah build the ark?

Pippa: Because of the flood.

Me: What went on the ark with Noah? *this got blank stares from the kids

Me: Did animals go on the ark?
*Pip and Izzy both said yes and started naming some of the animals that were on the ark.

Me: What happened to all the people that did not go on the ark with Noah?

Pippa: When the flood came, and they got washed and shrunk!

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