Friday, March 18, 2011

Help for Jack - despite his silly mother.

I must confess. I have major self esteem issues. Always have. One of the joys that my dad bestoyed on me by abandoning his family for another woman, and divorcing his children at the same time he divorced his wife. But that is a whole can of worms to be spilled another time. Just be happy to know, that I have those self esteem issues. I know, I know - many, MANY people have self esteem issues. But mine are lovely. They often keep me from reaching out and asking for help. Won't you be my neighbor...

Case in point. Homeschooling. I homeschool my children. Or rather most of them. Our oldest has autism and attends school in a special program. So the rest I homeschool. I refuse to render to Caesar what belongs to God. Remember in the Bible? When Jesus was asked by the Pharisees if they ought to pay taxes to the Caesar? Well, Jesus asked them who's face was on the coin. When they told him Caesar's image was on the coin, Jesus then said, "Then saith he unto them, Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's; and unto God the things that are God's." (Matthew 22:21) I refuse to give my children's souls to the government to brainwash. For they are God's.

Ok, I know - I know. Just follow me for a bit down this rabbit hole. My mom was a public school teacher for 40+ years. She taught 1st grade most of those years. Some she taught 3rd, and a few years she was a reading specialist. But mostly, 1st grade. She has never really supported our decision to homeschool. Well, to say that is rather a stretch. She frequently tells me they "should be in school". I think she takes it as a personal affront to her that I don't trust the school system with my children. Again, another can of worms for another time. So, I have this anxiety/self esteem issue that I am not doing a good enough job with the kids at home.

Then there's Jack. He is all boy. I am sure if he was in school, he'd be labeled ADHD. He can't sit still, talks faster than his brain can think, very active. Like I said all boy. He is struggling with reading. We are working through 2nd grade with him, although he could be in 3rd. His birthday is mid-August, and if he had been going to school, I would not have sent him to kinder the year he turned 5 - only 2 weeks before the cut off date. So, the year he turned 5 - I did a pre-K type of program with him. Very loosey goosey. He wasn't interested. I did more hands on/real life learning with him. The next year ( he turned 6 - when I WOULD have sent him to kinder - if I had gone the whole school route), I did a kindergarten curriculum with him. Still with me? Good. Well now here we are *technically* in the 3rd quarter of 2nd grade. Well, he is actually doing 3rd grade math. And 1st grade work in reading/language arts ...but I digress. He is still struggling with reading. He can, MAYBE read mid-1st grade. And of course, my mom is all in a twitter (upset, in a dither - not to be confused with Twitter the message system) telling me how far behind he is and he SHOULD be in school to catch up. He is 8 now. I make sure I am working with him 1:1, alone first thing in the school day on reading. Catching him fresh - first thing. But here we are. We have been working on it for several years and he isn't making much progress. In fact, it is one step forward, 2 steps back. This is where my self esteem issues come in. I realize there is a problem here. But for fear of people finding out (or thinking) I am an incompetent teacher, I don't seek help. From traditional sources. I do, however, pray and seek guidance from the Lord. And read the Word.

Today - BREAKTHROUGH! No, not for Jack. (Well kinda for him - but not what you are thinking). FOR ME! I belong to a Large Family Living group on Facebook. I know there are many homeschooling mamas there. So, I take a deep breath, say a prayer, and post about my situation with Jack and his struggles. I ask for help from any homeschooling mama who have been their and done that. God gave me the strength to not care if they thought I was an incompetent boob or not.

And guess what??? People RESPONDED! Kindly. Sweetly. I got several, "don't worry about it - my kids didn't read well until they were older" responses. But - I also got a few responses from mamas who had struggling learners and where they found help. One lady gave me the link to HSLDA's "struggling learner" page. *Side note. We have been members of HSLDA for 4 years now. So why I never thought to check them for info is beyond me. So - on the HSLDA site, there is an article written by Dianne Craft. . I read it, and then click on the "Visual Processing Dysfunction" checklist link. It is Jack to a "t". I couldn't believe it! Here it is...I cut and pasted from the aforementioned site.

Visual Processing Dysfunction Characteristics

A child struggling with visual processing issues will display some of these characteristics:

  • Reading reversals (“was” for “saw,” “on” for “no,” “big” for “dig,” etc.) after initial introduction of the words.
  • Skipping of small words when reading.
  • Needing to use finger to track after age 7.
  • Oral reading that is smooth at the beginning of the page, but becomes more labored the longer a child reads.
  • Experiencing eye fatigue shortly after reading begins (watery eyes, rubbing eyes).
  • Yawning shortly after reading begins.
  • Continuing to struggle even after being prescribed eye glasses.

My poor little guy! (Although not so little anymore - we like to keep them little in our hearts. Don't we mamas?) How many times had he complained of having tired eyes, rubbed his eyes, even said they hurt? I put him off ...knowing he eyes were fine because I'd had him to the eye doctor in the last year - and I thought he just didn't want to work at reading. Oh the guilt! But the guilt turned to joy. I kept reading. Dianne Craft mentions that there are exercises I can do at HOME (Me! I can help!!!! YIPPEE!!!!). So I go over to HER site. There I find a book called, "Brain Integration Therapy", along with a few other items that should help me help Jack to retrain his brain. So, they are purchased and on their way. I'll keep you updated on his progress.

PRAISE GOD FROM WHOM ALL BLESSINGS FLOW!!! Although technically this sorrow turned to joy in the afternoon - I am blessed abundantly, and so is Jack.

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