Wednesday, March 9, 2011

The Week That Was...Sick

Wow. That little gem of hubby's spread like wild fire. So, hubby got ill last Tueday night with a bad tummy bug. He was sick through Wednesday - slept all of Thursday, and finally managed to drag himself back to work Friday - where his underlings declared he looked like death warmed up.

Friday afternoon, on the way back from looking at a house (did I mention we are house hunting again?) - Izzy came down with it. In the van. All over the van. Oh joy. Then later that night - I got it. Thankfully Izzy bounced back and was right as rain in the morning, because I was about as useful as an overcooked noodle. And hubby had duty. Nice. But then, hubby's boss let him come home for an hour or 2, not once - but 2 different times during the day. That WAS nice. Such a blessing! I need to get a nice "thank you" note and a coffee off to him. So Saturday saw me dazed, and sicker than a dog - on the couch. Hubby was home around lunch time and fed the troops. I mustered the strength to order pizza delivery for dinner, and got everyone tucked into bed. Praying that God would let everyone sleep peacefully through the night.

Praise God! Not only did all the kids sleep well - but they slept in! My kids! Who usually can smell the sun rise...I got to sleep in. Seeing as how I crashed at about 9:30pm and slept until 8ish am, I got nearly 11 hours of good, solid sleep. I awoke on Sunday morning feeling much MUCH better. Still tired and weak - but much better.

So, Sunday things started pretty uneventful. We obviously skipped church. I did not want to visit these germs on anyone else. And a good thing too. By early afternoon poor Esther had it. She had what hubby jokingly called prison pallor. The poor gal was so ill - she was gray. And Sunday night - Pippa came down with it too. I was on dawn patrol with Pippa. I always bring the wee ones in bed with me when they are ill. It just makes it easier on us all. I can doze when they do.

Monday. Esther is still couch bound - looking more like she is a human incarnation of a wrung out dish rag than the sweet, beautiful 9 year old she is. Pippa, however is bounding around the house like she was never ill. It is amazing how quickly the littlest ones recover. Hubby had the day off and took Jack to swim practice. However, almost as soon as they return home at guessed, Jack came down with it. Jack, however surprises me. By the time I decided to send him to bed (around 9pm or so) he is improving and keeping down liquids. He is alert and talkative. Esther is now keeping down sips of liquid - but still looks and acts quite ill.

Tuesday. Jack wakes up fine. Yay! Esther is much better too. Still a bit pale. But able to eat bland foods and get up and around. Bed time sees everyone well. Olivia never got it. But then again, as a high functioning autistic teen-ager, she spends a lot of time in her "girl cave" (read room). So she wasn't around us sickies much.

What a week! I don't want to do that again any time soon. Or ever. On the plus side? Hubby was SUCH a help. Laundry, dishes, cooking for the kids when I was ill. He kept ASKING me what he could be doing. What I would like him to do. What a joy! I was so blessed in my illness to see what he can and will do to pick up the slack. It really makes me realize that despite my frustrations with him - he is a good guy. He loves me. He would swim through shark infested water to bring his family lemonade.

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