Wednesday, March 2, 2011

On no...not again (warning - TMI to follow)

The dreaded tummy bug has settled upon my sweet hubby. Again. Poor guy. He is the throwing up-iest man I have ever met. He gets these bad tummy bugs at least twice a year. I am praying he keeps this little gem to himself. It started suddenly yesterday evening. This morning when I woke him up for work at 6am...yes, I said work. You see guys and gals, when you belong to the military you don't get the option of calling in sick. You have to drag your raggedy ole self into what they call "sick call". Meaning you have to go see the base doctor/nurse/health person and they decide what to do with you. So my poor sick hubby went into sick call and he was so dehydrated they placed an IV and gave him 2 bags of saline. They wrote him a note to give to his command saying he can't work today or tomorrow. Hubby stumbles in the front door at about 10am with some anti-nausea meds, and some gatorade. He basically slept the day away - which is a good thing. For when the body is sleeping it is not vomiting or doing other ghastly things.

I just hate it when hubby is ill. I mean, when he is ILL - like he is now. Can't get out of bed, sleeping all day. I just feel so vulnerable and, I don't know - helpless. It is times like these that I realize how much I do rely on him. He is my rock that I lean on. He provides for us. He is my strong he-man who has the ability to make everything better - and banish the monsters from under the bed. And somehow when he is so down and out sick - I worry about living without him. I know that probably sounds corny, or hysterical. But that is just how I am. God gifted me with him - my better half, my help-meet to walk through life on earth with...and I don't want to go through life without him. When he is so ill, it hits home that people do get ill and die...and I get a morbid glimpse into what life without him would be like. And I do not like it Sam I Am.

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