Sunday, April 10, 2011

A Quick Recap for the Week...

Today is Sunday. The Lord's day. Hubby had duty last night - so I am awaiting his return in the next half hour or so. A little recap from this past week: The government seems to have avoided a shutdown - for now. Of course, there is already bigger things looming ahead. That is ok, bring it on. Nothing will ever compare, or be bigger than my God. So go ahead. Let's roll on the 2012 budget, and the debt ceiling. We finished week 2 of Brain Integration Therapy. Schooling is rolling along at a nice pace. Esther has just about finished the language arts part of her curriculum. I have switched their math from Saxon to Abeka. I think Esther had been falling behind a bit with Saxon. I will be continuing with math over the summer with her to get her caught up. 2 weeks until Easter. I am going to be teaching the Sunday school class about Moses and the Passover this week. I was going to do Passover next week - when Passover starts, but next weekend is Palm Sunday - and we will be focusing on that, then Easter. I hope hubby gets home in time to stop off at the store so I can get some Matza for the kids to try. I am still debating heading down to California for my dad's wedding. Fred is more than willing to take a week off so I can go - but I just don't like the idea of leaving jack amidst the new schooling routine, and having Fred burn a week of leave. He only has 28 days on the books. That would take him down to 20 (he is taking 8 days - so we can have a day together when I return). Personally, I don't like him being down to less than 3 weeks of leave on the books. He will be taking another 3 days in mid-August when we go camping. And I was hoping he could take 5 days or so when the kids and I travel down to Cali for a month. Hmmm. All of that would take him down to less than 2 weeks on the books. I guess more prayer is in order. Well, I must go if I wish to get everyone ready in time to be on time. Until next time friends...

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